Thursday, November 27, 2014


Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you spend a large chunk of your day eating delicious food and chatting with family and friends. I hope you think of a couple things you are grateful for and then I hope you take a long nap!

For today's post I wanted to share some of the things I am grateful for. For the last couple of Sundays leading up to today I have been drawing things at church that I am grateful for and I have been sharing some of them on Instagram and Facebook. (Check out #sillysundaysketches)

I think my favorites from this one are the Old Spice Deodorant, The R. Mutt Toilet, Tacos and maybe the Snickers bar that totally doesn't look like a candy bar. ha ha

This was the first one I did. I am grateful for modern day plumbing, hot chocolate, and fries!

The Sketch for what comes next...

I came to the realization that I could never actually draw all the things I was grateful for and came up with this idea of drawing this! All the things I was grateful for & More!

Here I explain what each thing means to me.

Thanks for reading this long post. Now go eat some more Pie!!!

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