In life sometimes Inspiration comes in the early mornings when you have to make the choice to listen to it or ignore it. Sometimes it comes when you least expect it. A lot of times we talk about inspiration as something that isn't actually coming from us but some other source.
While in school studying illustration someone once shared this Ted Talk with me by Elizabeth Gilbert who is the author of "Eat, Pray, Love" She talks about Inspiration in an incredible way. See the video Here.
My favorite part of that video is maybe the part where she describes a poet who sometimes franticly runs to the house to try to catch an idea that is barreling through her like a train and sometimes she catches it by the tail end writes the poem backwards as she pulls the train back to her by the caboose!
Here is a picture of a train by Greg Newbold
I had the opportunity to take a class from him while I was at BYU.
Some people have found surfing the internet as helpful for gaining inspiration. I will admit I have used websites like Pinterest. You can look at my page here.
I feel like there is some danger in only using the internet as your source of inspiration though. If you only copy the styles of other artists you may never fully develop your own style. Now don't get me wrong copying another artists piece to learn how they solved problems and planned composition, color and line is incredibly important in your development. I think I will just leave that thought there.
I once took a sketch book class where I had the opportunity to drive around Provo/Orem area with some other students and we would just sketch for a couple of hours. This was incredibly nice and brought me tons of inspiration. Use a sketchbook. I know some people out there that are reading this might think I am just talking to artists, but I think everyone in this world should keep a sketchbook. Whether their are drawings in it or it becomes more like a journal to you, you should have somewhere to capture inspiration as it comes to you.
Here is a sketch I ended up drawing on a Sacrament Meeting program maybe because I forgot my sketchbook or maybe because I just like drawing on the Sunday Church Programs.
It is my interpretation of the first Angry birds or Cavemen throwing Chickens...
Always keep a pen and some paper handy. You just never know what little nuggets of inspiration will come to you!
Also go out and be in nature. Go for hikes. I know that I love music and Podcasts and getting information. But I also love camping and watching the sunrise. As a world we should take some time out of our busy schedules to look around us at the beauty that has been created by God. Don't get stuck at your computer or if you are reading this from your phone. Pause and look around you at the world. That is where inspiration can come from. Talk to people. People have some crazy stories and the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction!
Painting by James Christensen
I once had the opportunity to visit with James Christensen. He is a former BYU Professor and incredible artist. In talking to him I asked him how he gets such fun, crazy ideas? He told me he gets ideas out of his sketchbook and if ever his inspiration runs dry he does yard work. He explained to me that he hates pulling weeds so after just a few minutes his brain is sure to come up with something to paint instead of pulling weeds.
I guess to end this blogpost today I am going to throw out some challenges!
1. Go out in nature and just enjoy the sounds, sights and smells for at least five minutes today. I am sure you have five minutes!
2. Start carrying a pen and paper with you and record ideas, thoughts and Inspiration as it comes to you! Maybe you are a secret song writer and you just don't know it yet.
3. If you are still reading this and you like it let me know! :)
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